Monday, March 7, 2011

Facing Fire

Taylor Swift uses the analogy of voice like nails on a chalkboard calling me out when I'm wounded to describe being bullied. In her case, it's in the entertainment industry with those who pick apart her and her music. Some of us share Taylor's dream, which came true for her, and is for some of us, too. Others love computers and understand Math and Science. Others love reading and writing. There's the Geek Squad and that girl who isn't quite like everyone else. I like to call her unique, talented, special. God made her, just like everyone else. Including you. No one DESERVES to bullied. Everyone deserves to be treated kindly and fairly. But our world isn't fair and there are a lott of wrongs that don't seem to ever be made right.

But... that isn't true.
Sometimes a wrong is made right, but we don't see it. Or it hasn't happened yet.
It seems like a LOT of people get away with really evil, nasty, wicked things that just hurt others.
And a lot of people do it because of their own insecurities or hatred and jealousy. The possibilities are endless. Some individuals subconsciously bully or hurt someone without intentionally meaning to.
They will profusely apologize and tell you how sorry they are. Others won't care.
You never know what a person has been through or where they're coming from, but that DOESN'T make it right and it makes you so mad on the inside. They got away with that Scot free!!!!!! It's enough to seriously anger a person.

I've been there.
I understand.

When you're facing the fire of a bully, in that moment you feel a lot of intimidation and fear. Bullies are good at stripping you of your self-confidence and make you feel worthless and like a doormat. It's not easy standing up for yourself. They feed off fear and your reaction. A positive reaction is the best you can do. Standing your ground in love is the best you can do. When you're in the moment of dealing with a bully with seconds to reply and their hateful words scorching you deep within, there's a hurt formed there that is not easy to heal, at all. And it feels like you never really win, they always do. No one cares and no one's watching and they're just gonna keep getting away with it. Right?

GOD sees and hears everything, every word that comes out your mouth, everything.
It's impossible to hide from God.
Remember that time five years ago when those girls were being mean to you before class started and you called them a bad word? It was fitting for how they were acting, but it wasn't the RIGHT response. Then were you sent to the office and got detention, but they got away Scot free and there was nothing you could do about it... yes, you deserved discipline for breaking a rule, but they did too. They're the ones who provoked you to anger and caused you to say that. But you chose yourself to say it and you take responsibility for your actions and you accepted your punishment and lived through that hour of detention.

Yes, I'm talking about myself in middle school. That's exactly what happened to me. It happened a second time, too. That time I got ISS and once again, they got away Scot free.  

I'm still not happy with what happened and it does feel like got away Scot free with it, but that's not the case.
If you don't know, I'm a devout Christian. And I'm comforted by this verse:

The time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear! - Luke 12: 2-3 NLT

God saw and heard every word that was spoken by me and my bullies. He saw exactly what happened and regardless of what happened, He has my back and will take care of me no matter what. Those times when we're hurt to the verge of tears or like a fresh wound has just been cut open, He sees. We are His children and in those times, we don't need to retaliate. 

Dear friends, never avenge yourself. Leave that to God. For it is written, "I will take vengeance; I will repay those who deserve it," says the Lord. -  Romans 12:19 NLT

God will avenge me.
Enough said to put a smile on my face. How about you? :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thanks to Anthony for helping me with the Scripture verses!

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